• R09: What the Bible is About

    A non-religious course that provides an informed appreciation of the Bible.

    Slide 14
  • Accurate history in advance

    The tutor and wife with friends at the Revelation city of Philadelphia.

    Slide 3
  • The Creator clearly seen

    "For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made...; so that they are without excuse." (Romans 1:20)

    Slide 11

Welcome to R09 RESOURCES

This website provides resources to students of U3A Course What the Bible is About. These are freely provided for your reference and revision, but please respect the copyright laws regarding their further use, keeping in mind the time and energy that the authors have expended in putting them together. Materials developed and/or used by student presenters will only be posted here with their express permission.



After a military career, Ray used his engineering and management qualifications as a project manager of engineering, construction, aerospace, mining, oil and gas mega-projects around the world.

Following visits to Israel in 2008 and to Turkey and Greece in 2012, Ray has made study of the bible his major retirement project. He is completing a Doctorate in theology focusing on the 2,000 year history of Christianity.
The turor in Ephesus

At the fountain in Ephesis built in 114 A.D. by Tiberus Claudius Aristion to honor Emperor Traianus, father of Emperor Trajan.

The Amazing Bible